Friday, September 25, 2015

great videos that changed my outlook on the family

Family Matters

you come home from a-long day of work, tired worn out , beat up, and discouraged, who knows your boss maybe yelled at you that day. you pull into your parking lot the stars already glittering in the sky. Before you can even get our of your car one of your children run out and is standing by your car door, as you open up your car door. your child throws his arms around you looks up at you and says. "Dad I love you," all of the sudden you brighten up your discouragement turns into happiness as you envelope that priceless moment that never gets old. In today world can the diminishing of families impact the world? Did you ever think that it could impact your life? Or have you ever thought that your choice to have children could impact my life? Today we live in a society that focuses on the self and self gratification. we turn on the TV and see commercials of cosmetics that say you have to have them to look pretty. Or in order to have happiness you have to have money and toys. we live in a competitive world that says "If your not successful your nothing" or "If your not the best then quit." people are shaming a putting people down in order to get what they want. we see less and less sacrifices and acts of love. And the ones we do see move us greatly. People are so caught up in themselves that they don't want to sacrifice to have a family. family is the fundamental unit of society. when the family crumbles so does our society and are economy. as women have less and less children there is less innovation. the less children we have the more we have to work for less pay. look at the great men and women of our day that have changed the world. Martin Luther King, Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington. are a few. What if there parents choose not to have children where would are world be. I am grateful for my parents I don't know where I would be without them. so does your choice to have children important, it is. you never know your child could change the world. Family life is what keeps our economy going. the people that build up the economy are you and me. and where did we come from families. may we lay our selfishness aside and choose to sacrifice for family life. sacrifices are hard but in the long run they are always better.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

My name is Trent Winn, grew up in the great farm land of Burley Idaho. I grew up with six sibling, four sisters and one brother. I love them with all my heart. Just like every family we are not perfect we fight and quarrel. Dad stopping on the side of the road, when on family vacations, making us get out and walk for a mile or two with the person we where fighting with. I love them all though. I love to talk to people it is one of my hobbies, I also like skiing, wake-boarding, Mountain biking, snowmobiling, and anything high adventures and fun, besides haunted mansions. My passion is motivating young adults, and people to become there best selves and change the world.