Tuesday, December 15, 2015

We All Have Value!

                Every person is born with a unique style and personality. We are all different. In life we tend to compare ourselves with other people. Comparison is the thief of joy; as soon as you compare your lot to someone else’s, lot your lot doesn’t look that good anymore. As soon as you compare yourself with someone else you don’t look as good to yourself anymore. Perfection is a big façade and social media really helps out with this. You see pictures on Facebook and Instagram all the time. The picture of your best friend getting a new car looks sweet, but what Facebook doesn’t tell you is how much debt he had to go into to get that car. You envy the car but not the debt that goes into buying the car. You might envy the big trip your friend went on in Europe, but you wouldn’t be envying the family crisis they might going through. People that are divorced or mess up in life made mistakes and they have probably put themselves on the discount isle because they compare their greatest weakness with someone else’s greatest strength. You have value, all of us do. So someone like you that is valuable, please don’t put yourself on the discount isle by comparing yourself with perfection, because perfection doesn’t exists 

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