Friday, November 13, 2015

No growth in the comfort zone, N comfort in the growth zone

Sweaty palms, headache, racing heart, mind going everywhere. We have all experienced these symptoms in a situation such as taking a test, asking a girl or boy out on a date, family crisis, or embracing change. These situation all caused by your best friends, which is also known as stress. Our society tells us that stress is bad and that if you have stress you’re not tough enough or good enough, but what if you began to believe that stress was good for you? Stress arises when there are challenges, obstacles or things don’t go how we planned. Without stress life would be boring. How would any of us grow or become better? We wouldn’t.

I hear older couples talk about when there first married, they were young, broke and how stressful it was. They tell it in a laughing way and it tells me that they learned from it. Stress can either do two things: it can break you or it can build you. One of my most stressful situations was my first semester at college. I remember coming home after studying my brains out thinking I accomplished nothing sitting on the floor of my bedroom, crying. Thinking maybe college isn’t for me, or I should just leave. Instead, with the help of others, I am on my second semester. I have changed a lot and I have grown so much. Now, I look back and see how much I have grown from my stressful situation

There were two instances where, now looking back on them, added to my stress. One of them was when my surroundings changed. I wasn’t in my comfort zone, but that turned out to be a good thing because there is now growth in the comfort zone. Second is when my boundaries were changing in my relationships. My family boundaries where changing because I wasn’t home anymore and it seemed like my parents treated me differently. I felt alone and it was up to me to make my own decisions since I wasn’t under my parents anymore. It was stressful. Whenever you change a boundaries with someone it is stressful. For example, you break up with your boyfriend or there is a death in the family or you get a girlfriend or you have a baby. These are all stressful situations because you’re establishing boundaries and boundaries are being changed.

My dear friends, stress is fun and exciting, when your heart pounds and you get sweaty palms. From stressful situations I get to learn something and I get to try something new and I get to grow. Without stress life would be boring. Next time you’re in a stressful situation just remember, you’re only going to grow from it.

Please comment!! Let me know if my blog post help or if you like them or not!


  1. Trent - I LOVE this! I'm experiencing a rather stressful situation with a new church calling. My body is manifesting all sorts of stress and I started to really ponder why when I know this is a good thing. The other day I finally realized that I am no longer in my comfort zone. I'm used to, and am actually good at, a particular "support" role. I enjoy that role. Now this has shifted into quite a bit more responsibility and I'm not comfortable. But you are so right - it is an opportunity for growth and for learning and overcoming obstacles and embracing challenging situations. And there are many invaluable lessons that come along with the stress of it all. This was just what I needed today!

    1. thanks Kim, you can do it, the lord qualifies those that he has chosen and you are definitely chosen!
