Friday, October 16, 2015

Being Different is Being Beautiful

You wake up and you look yourself in the mirror and say to yourself “man I am different” you sit by people daily and talk to others with different strengths and weaknesses, Women, men, children we are all different, we have different strengths so why are we different?

I was once asked a question that surprised me. They asked me “Trent if you were the only person on this earth would you still love to go skiing?” I thought to myself for a minute and you know I really wouldn’t love to ski. As I thought about it some more I realized I loved skiing because of the people that I was with. If we all grew up with the same talents and skills and we were all the same. Would the world even be fun to live in? I think about my family, we are all different and that’s what makes it fun. One is goofy, one is serious or shy, one can crack a joke and we all laugh. IF THERE WERE NO DIFFRENCES WE WOULD NEVER LEARN. And if there was no learning life would be boring.

I like to compare men and women with light and dark and I am not saying one is bad and the other is good, they are equal. But we know that men and women have different strengths and weaknesses and bring different skills to the table. Just like the dark and light are different. When dark and light come together they make something beautiful like sunsets and sunrises some of the most spectacular scenes of all time. When men and women come together unselfishly it is a beautiful thing to see how they work together. I am so grateful for my parents that came together and made and shaped who I was, gave me different skills and life experiences to help other people.

One thing that I have noticed in my life and as a word of caution is that jealousy destroys relationships when we want something that someone else has and we can’t have it we get mad, we get angry, we almost don’t even want to talk to them anymore. It can be as simple as a personality trait or a social skill like they are good at basketball. There are three things that have helped me overcome jealousy one is remember that you have been given certain talents and gifts to help others in different ways. The second thing is be grateful for what you have. Not on what you don’t have. So many times we focus on what others have and what their experiences and WE MISS OUT THEN ON OUR EXPERIENCES AND OUR MOMENTS. Because we are so worried about someone else’s. And third is serve, which is the finest exercise for the heart.

We are all unique individuals with differences that can make us beautiful. When we start to think or become jealous of someone else because they are more beautiful or more skilled then you. Remember YOU’RE GOOD ENOUGH. You can tell yourself “I’AM GOOD ENOUGH TODAY, THIS MOMENT, And THIS SECOND” 

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