Friday, October 23, 2015

Love is the only way!

In the bible Jesus states “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends (St. John 15:13).” What is true love? How do you know it is love? In Christian Moore’s book titled The Resilience Breakthrough, he gives the definition of a true friend by saying that “a true friend is someone who shows an increase of love when you’re at your lowest, ugliest point, there will be very few people who are willing to increase their love for you especially when you are in a place where you are not meeting their needs.” Christ is the ultimate definition of a true friend. He gave his life to us as his brothers and sisters with absolute no benefit for Him. When we aren’t having our needs met do we get angry because we aren’t receiving anything in return?

My mom once gave me wise council when she said “Son, when you seek attention you will jealousy, angry, depressed, afraid, but when you seek to serve you will always feel the love of God.” If we serve people and expect something in return, we will always be disappointed. We don’t receive any earthly advances when we serve others. But if we look to service with love, we will receive love in return as we draw closer to our Heavenly Father.

Love is born out of time and reason. There is a difference between attention and love. Love is long enduring and patient. Pure and true love can also last through hard times. Attention is only spontaneous and can never genuinely last long. Love is sacrificing yourself to benefit another person.

So why would we not choose to love constantly in our lives? As we walk around in our daily lives we should look and find ways to constantly love and serve people. We won’t be instantly rewarded. But our ability to love and be loved will increase. Love has the ability to change lives. Love isn’t something bought or achieved. We have to earn and achieve love by serving and showing compassion to others. We all have a gift of sharing our love with those around us. Reach out with love and service to someone today. 

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