Friday, October 2, 2015

Your Needed Today!

Do you feel tiny like the ant that everyone steps on when walking on the sidewalk? I do sometimes, But your part of something bigger, think about the solar system each planted affects the system. If one planet goes out of orbit it affects the whole solar system. so here is to those out there that feel lonely, heartbroken, maybe you just broke up with your boyfriend or girlfriend, or feel like your not worthy of love. your part of a systems weather you know it or not. a system that your needed in called the family system. Ill never forget the times when I am walking down the street having the worst day of my life or what I seem as the worst day, and a stranger smiles at me, stops me on the street and says " Trent how is your day." those small moments that we don't think is a big deal make the biggest impact. It seems like my world is turned around my face begins to smile, and in those moments I want to reach out to someone. I look back today and say to myself where would I be without those people? So you make a difference you might not know how but I know there is someone that needs you today.

There are many times I meet someone and I want to judge them. thoughts of "your weird" or "what kind of hair is that" run through my mind. Mother Teresa once said "when you judge someone you leave no room to love that someone". We all are unique it would be boring if we were all the same, had the same gifts and talents as someone else, but we all have a story to tell. My story is different then yours and every person that we see is different. I have come to learn that when I look at someone I really have no room to judge them, because where did they get there behavior from it could have been there parents who grew up in an abusive home. who there parents could have grown up in a similar situation, so pretty soon we are back in time to where family ancestors who may have started the behavior patters are deceased. So next time you come across someone that you want to judge think, what is there story, can I share mine. It always looks better on the outside.

My Friends out there, old, young, small, big short or skinny. Remember your needed today sometimes I have to think this thought. "Today is the day that I'am going to reach out, and care" and as you do and put a smile on someone elses face your face will smile as well. You are all good enough to make a difference. Believe that!


  1. Trent! You're the man! I'm so thankful for the awesome family and friends that I have. I wouldn't be the same person that I am today without them. They build me up and make me want to be a better person.

  2. those are good comments, I like what you said. I have a family too and without them it would be hard to survive.

  3. can't wait till the next post. you give good inspiring thoughts thanks for posting
